
Our Impact on Communities

1,800 +

Beneficiaries in 1,200 HH on Nutrition Impact & Positive Practice


200 +

Families Reached on slow food gardening



6000 +

Reached through group counseling




766 +

Reached through Individual counseling




Some of Our Achievements


Nutrition Impact & Positive Practice [Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC); Participatory cooking and Micro-gardening] to 1,800 beneficiaries in 1,200 HH.

Malaria Prevention (Smart home establishments; screening, testing and treatment in schools and communities; follow up of pregnant women & lactating mothers on IPTp, ANC, PNC and ITN) 6,400 people in 1,280 HH.

Slow food gardening has reached so far 200 families in Agago ,that is growing traditional local food and we always celebrate the Terra Madre Day in November to always build up and encourage our community to grow kitchen food.

PCCO has given 18 Ox plough and oxen to 18 groups for commercial farming and they produced what they consume and sell, then later they keep the part of the seed given to them as seed banks and redistribute among themselves later for sustainability and development.

Group counseling reached over 6,000 people. 

Individual counseling reached 766 people and covered topics such as sexual and gender based violence (SGBV), anger management, Trauma, Mental illnesses, HIV/AIDS, Family Planning and conflict resolution.

HIV counseling and education at the Patongo Health Centre and Lira Palwo health center reached up to 5,000 people. 

Community Counselors (CCs) received refresher training on ,Trauma, SGBV, FP, HIV/AIDS, EPILEPSY and other mental illnesses and  Six CC’s have been trained to become trainers themselves by Patongo Health Center III and Basic needs Uganda.

PCCO staff at lira Palwo health center handing over the mama kits to support the HIV positive pregnant mothers.

PCCO has supported 167 people in 28 community groups to set up agricultural income-generating projects with a grant from the Guernsey Overseas Aid Commission (GOAC) 

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